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People often ask, “What is your church like?” We are what some people call a “three streams” church. We emphasize the Scriptures, the Liturgical, and the Spirit. 


Scriptures- Scriptures are the central part of our life at Mosaic. Sermons focus on applying the Scripture to life while at the same time helping people to understand the meaning of the text. Our community groups are focused on reading and applying Scripture through relationships and the Spirit. We believe through the Word we come to know Jesus better. 


Liturgy- Liturgy forms part of the flow of our church worship and spiritual life as we give God praise. Liturgy simply means “the work of the people” and makes our worship interactive. At the same time, we encourage our people to join in the ancient practices of the church that helps form us individually and corporately. For example, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper at every worship service. Most of our music is contemporary, though with a good blend of old and new. It’s ok if you don’t know the flow of the worship; you can follow along on the media screen.


Spirit- We believe the Holy Spirit still works today just like He did in the early church at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit changes hearts to be more like Jesus and teaches us to be on mission. In our worship, we often provide time for testimony, words of prophecy or knowledge, and healing prayers for those who desire them.             


Children are absolutely welcome to remain in the sanctuary for our worship services, although we do offer a children’s worship experience during our 10am service.  Every 1st Sunday, children will remain in the sanctuary during the entire service, for our "Family Sunday".  Nursery is provided for the entirety of the worship service, each week.


Our time of worship celebrates the goodness of God, what He has done, and what He continues to do in our lives and our community.  

Our response of worship is expressed through the beauty and creativity of many different cultures, and life experiences, that make up our church family.  We come as we are, but are transformed through Jesus Christ.


Join us in the Fellowship Hall,

before and after our service, to connect with our family over light refreshments.  The duration of our service is about an hour and a half.  The dress is casual, come as you are.


At Canal Street, we celebrate communion every week.  This time of remembering of Christ's passion encourages unity with Christ followers from all over the world, by participating in Liturgy that has been used by Christians for thousands of years.  We partake through both the common cup, and intinction, in order to honor various traditions


Nursery is available every Sunday.  We provide a caring environment to ensure a creative and comfortable place for your infant to 3 year old to learn that Jesus loves them. 

Our Nursery is in a secure location, including a lock system and check-in process.  Please follow the signs to the check-In window and one of our volunteers will greet you and explain our security process. 


Our Children's Ministry Team leads our youngest members in their very own worship experience.  After participating in music with the entire church family, children (K - 3rd grade) will be asked to gather for dismissal to their worship space. Our children return to the Sanctuary, during communion. 

Note: the first Sunday of the month is our "Family Sunday" and children will remain in the sanctuary for the entire service.


In an effort to be good neighbors to our community, please watch where you park. Be sure not to park too close to street corners, sidewalk entrances, driveways, or fire hydrants. The front of the church is reserved for handicap access.

In-Person & Online 10am

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