No matter the family, Canal Street's Family Ministry has a place for you.
We encourage, support, and disciple families as they seek to understand and carry out their roles as primary
spiritual developers, to create environments where relationships can flourish, and to be displayers of grace.
Canal Street is committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment for families to live out our core values.
Biblical Integrity - Obeying God’s Word
Authentic Worship – Honestly Loving Jesus
Meaningful Relationships - Loving others, even my brother or sister
Community Engagement – Being Like Jesus where we are

Nursery provides an environment staffed with professional and volunteer care to ensure a creative and comfortable place for your infant to 3 year old to learn that Jesus loves them. Nursery is available every Sunday.
Our Nursery is in a secure location provided by our security check-in system. Please follow the signs to the Check-In Window and one of our volunteers will greet you.
Children from grades K - 3 meet on Sundays, during the worship service, for spiritual formation and fellowship.
Children's Worship follows a guided curriculum to learn deep truths of the faith. Children will be invited up for dismissal after announcements and return to the sanctuary during communion. The first Sunday of the month, children will remain in the sanctuary for the entire service, for our "Family Sunday".
Grades 3-5 meet on Wednesdays from 6-7:15PM for Kid's Bible Club, a time for story telling and enrichment led by our Children's Ministry staff in the fellowship hall.