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50 Days of Easter!

Izabela Marie Cormier, Worship Arts Director

Death is swallowed up by a triumphant victory!

So death, tell me, where is your victory?

Tell me death, where is your sting?

- 1 Corinthians 15:54-55

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!

Easter does not end when Sunday is finished. In fact, the entire liturgical season of Eastertide includes the 50 days following Easter Sunday. The first 40 days following Easter commemorate the moments when the Risen Lord appeared to many disciples on earth. The next 10 days celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven, culminating in Christ giving to His church the gift of the Holy Spirit, on Pentecost Sunday.

Church family, we have spent the last 40-ish days pressing into the Lenten season. Our contrite hearts were laid before the Lord, our knees became increasingly familiar with humble repentance, our minds were reoriented to the Father, while fasting from distractions. This past weekend we gathered for a Good Friday service, entering together into the reality of Jesus' suffering, death, and burial. And on Sunday, we gathered to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and His victorious triumph over death.

During this season of Eastertide, we celebrate the freedom, joy, new life, and victory we have through the magnificent sacrifice of Jesus, the Messiah.

I want to invite you to join me in celebrating this season through the following spiritual activity.

Daily Contemplation

Select a quiet place, perhaps a place out in nature, where you can sit for a few minutes and relax. Establish a regular time each day to go to this place. Once there, use the following questions as a guide to your conversation with God.

Where do I notice signs of new life/resurrection?

How can I express gratitude today?

Am I allowing myself to experience joy?

Am I living in the fullness of freedom in Christ?

It may be especially helpful to keep a journal of your prayer times. You might ask a friend to join you in these prayers, either to be present during the prayer time itself, or simply to listen as you share your reflections.

To accompany your spiritual walk through Eastertide, the folks at Sacred Ordinary Days recommend these scripture passages: Matthew 28:1-20, Luke 24:1-53, John 12:24-25; 20:1-29; 21:1-14, Acts 1:6-11; 2:1-4.

Alleluia, alleluia!

Check out the Worship Arts Team Easter playlist on Spotify!

May the hope, joy, and freedom of Christ be with you, each day this Eastertide,


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